Waterford City Public Infrastructure Project Update

The next phase of traffic management in Ferrybank will commence from Tuesday 20th February 2024, on Fountain Street between the junctions with Rockshire Road and Abbey Road. It is anticipated that this works phase will take approximately six weeks to complete.

Warnings and signage will be in place throughout these works and on approaches.

Waterford City and County Council appreciates the public’s continued patience and cooperation while this extensive infrastructure project progresses. When works are complete it will deliver a new realigned section of Abbey Road with increased capacity, while the footprint of the existing Abbey Road will be recreated to a cycle and pedestrian friendly local road access for the schools and nursing home located on this section of the road.

A direct access to the new South East Greenway will also be created.

Sustainability & Public Realm

NORTH QUAYS will contribute to transform Waterford into a smart sustainable city by using information and communication technologies (ICTs) and other means to improve quality of life, efficiency of urban operation and services, and competitiveness, while ensuring that it meets the needs of present and future generations with respect to economic, social, environmental as well as cultural aspects.

North Quays features a well-pre planned public realm that will establish a community identity, enhance public safety, encourage private investment and allow citizens to embrace and celebrate their places and spaces. Committed allocation by  Urban Regeneration Development Funding and National Transport Authority funding secures North Quays three key infrastructural elements : 

  • Sustainable Transport Bridge 
  • City Centre Access Infrastructure
  • Integrated Transport Hub

North Quays Waterford